Insurance Marketing

Your prospects are bombard by advertising every day. As a broker or financial planner, you need tools to help you cut through the clutter. Taking an educational approach is key and having a suite of client handouts can help you tailor your outreach for each stage of the decision making cycle.

When it comes to income protection, Disability Insurance Services (DIS) offers some of the best resources in the market. In fact, you can download our “Baker’s Dozen” of essential client handouts for free – or visit our website to select from a variety of client handouts and infographics.

As you build your sales process, here are five types of client handouts you’ll want to include:

Client Handout #1: The Myth Buster

In a world with so much information and misinformation, getting the facts can be challenging.  That’s why myth-busting fliers are essential. They quickly dispel some of the dangerous untruths that your prospects may actually believe – clearing the path for more informed decision making. Myth busters are great attention-grabbers to use in the beginning of the sales cycle. Here are just a few of the myths that stop your prospects from securing disability insurance:

  • Social Security will cover me if I become disabled.
  • I have disability insurance through my employer.
  • Disability insurance is too expensive.

Client Handout #2: Compelling Statistics

You can use statistical handouts as both top-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel sales tools.

  • In early stages of the sales process, a good stat sheet can also help your prospects understand NEED, and no one buys anything without first perceiving a need.
  • In the final stage of the sales process, a stat sheet can help you close the sale. People often buy insurance for emotional reasons, but they feel better about the decision, and can more easily justify the expenditure to others if they have the facts. If a client mentions that they or their partner are unsure about the expense, use a statistical handout to help them envision the cost of inaction.

Client Handout #3: FABs

As a sales professional, you know about the importance of sharing Features, Advantages and Benefits (FABs), but do you have client handouts that help you make the case? FAB style-handouts work well in the beginning and middle of the sales process, helping your clients envision how they can benefit and why they shouldn’t go another day without income protection insurance.

FAB handouts help clients understand why protecting their earning power is so important for both them and the loves ones who rely on them.

Client Handout #4: Market-Focused

If you work in a market niche, like doctors, lawyers, dentists or IT professionals, having niche focused client handouts can be a game-changer. When prospects see educational information focused on their needs, it’s very differentiating – and can help you get your foot in the door.

On a related note, all agents should have at least one client handout that speaks directly to women – as they represent one of the biggest income protection markets. Female breadwinners are often overlooked or not viewed as primary financial decision makers and that’s a mistake. Statistics show that females are the primary breadwinner in many households and they represent a large percentage of medical school graduates.

If 50% of your book isn’t female, you should re-evaluate your prospecting and sales processes to better serve this growing market.

Client Handout #5: Infographics

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that’s why infographics are essential. They break down complex information and make it easier to understand. Infographics can be used to display statistics in a digestible format, but they can also be used to answer questions – like, “What are the key components to compare when shopping for income protection policies?” DIS offers a wide range of income protection infographics to eliminate client confusion throughout every stage of the sales process.

Ready to Stock Up?

Client handouts are effective tools in all stages of your sales funnel. When prospects feel educated and empowered, they are more likely to buy income protection insurance and refer their friends to you.

If you’d like to stock up on a collection of our most popular client handouts, download our Baker’s Dozen now. It includes a myth buster, a stat pack, a FAB handout and a female-focused flier, along with several other great tools.

Need a summer sales campaign? Download it here.

Also, be sure to download our Waiver of Liability form – a key to leveraging sales psychology.