
Get Started with DIS

Why do agents and agencies across the nation prefer DIS? Two words: AWESOME. PEOPLE.

That’s the official answer, according to a 2019 survey of contracted brokers. So, you may be wondering, “How will these awesome people make a difference in MY success?”

It’s a phenomenon we like to call “DI Done Right.”

DI Done Right is being supported by awesome people who genuinely care about doing the right thing for you … and creating the right protection package for each of your clients. We are deeply committed to our purpose because someday it will mean that your hard-working clients are OK, despite the impact of a life-changing disability.

Ready to experience DI Done Right?

New Articles for Agents

How You Can Stand Out by Specializing in Medically Impaired

How You Can Stand Out by Specializing in Medically Impaired

It’s ironic. People with a history of medical issues are often the most likely to recognize the importance of paycheck protection, but their pre-existing conditions mean they may have a harder time securing coverage. Thankfully, there are disability insurance coverage...

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How Marijuana Use Affects Disability Insurance Underwriting

How Marijuana Use Affects Disability Insurance Underwriting

As more and more states change their state laws and enforcement related to marijuana use – either recreational or medicinal, marijuana usage is becoming an important factor in disability insurance underwriting. Different carriers take different approaches, so asking...

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