Get the Filial Responsibility Client Handout!
Do Your Clients Know the Facts About Filial Responsibility?
In the U.S., roughly thirty states have laws about filial responsibility, stipulating that if parents can’t pay their medical bills, the debt will transfer to the children. In about two-thirds of these states, long-term care providers have the right to sue family members to recover their costs.
Our all-new filial responsibility handout helps you advise two audiences:
- For Boomer clients and older: This handout makes seniors aware that failing to plan could create a financial burden for their adult children. If they won’t consider LTCi for their own future quality of life, maybe they’ll consider it to protect their children.
- For millennial or GenX clients:This handout helps adults with aging parents to understand the financial implications of their parents’ long-term care decisions. Once they know the risks, they may be motivated to discuss the issue with their parents and encourage them to plan ahead.
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